St Joseph's Primary School

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9 Cloughfin Road
County Tyrone
BT80 9JB

028 867 51457

St Joseph's Primary School

Learning together, learning forever.

  1. School Life
  2. Safeguarding & Wellbeing

Safeguarding and Wellbeing


If you wish to make contact with school regarding a Safeguarding matter please email either the Designated Teacher, Mrs Crozier, or the Deputy Designated Teacher, Mrs McKenna. 

St Joseph's is an Operation Encompass School. This means that if any of our pupils are involved in a domestic violence incidence, involving PSNI attendance, we will be informed the following day. This is to allow us to offer support to any child in need.

The Safeguarding Team for St Joseph's PS Killeenan:

Designated Teacher: Mrs Maura Crozier

Deputy Designated Teacher: Mrs Catherine McKenna

Principal: Mrs Catherine McKenna

Designated Governor: Mrs Joan McCrory

Chair of Governors: Rev Fr P Hughes 

Wellbeing Champion: Mrs Catherine McKenna 

Click on the Safer Schools NI link to find out more information on keeping your child safe. There is also a video with details on how to download the Safer Schools App.    The parent access code for the App is 6406.

St Joseph's Circle of Friends